Today’s prompt: pick a form from the glossary, and write about the strange juxtaposition of springtime (and all it’s blooming happy glory), and living in lockdown during a pandemic. This might lend itself well to an Asian form, as many of them as a rule are, content-wise, about nature and natural imagery and happenings. ...Read More
Hi poetry lovers! April is National Poetry Month. Many people embark on a 30/30 during April (they write thirty poems in thirty days — usually one each day). A few of us poets from Columbus and Gainesville — and now Tampa and Charlotte too, have been participating in an informal “April Formal Poetry Challenge” for...Read More
Writing prompt by Poetics Online member Jimmy Fishhawk. If you’d like to share your results, or submit a prompt for us to post (with credit or without), let us know. =================== This is a time-sensitive prompt—that is to say, it requires that you be sensitive to the time of day. Ideally, early morning, although dusk/early...Read More
We are now on instagram! User name is Poetics Online, although as soon as I’m not working from solely an iphone we’ll connect it to here as well as automatically sharing the instagram posts here as well. For now, here are the last couple of days prompts. Enjoy. And as always, share the results in...Read More
So, this form birthed a few years ago from an admittedly overly geeky, slightly masochistic brain, when I was attempting to think of the most ridiculous form I could think of. There are variations, and I’ll talk about those later, but the basic idea is that you write a double sestina where those 12 repeated...Read More
Time for another prompt! This one a favorite of my hometown poetry family at the CMC Poetry Jam. Or, as we affectionally call it, The First Church of the Word. This one is very simple, and requires two or more people. Simply put, ring up or text a writer friend, and ask them for a...Read More
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