

The Dinggedicht, or Object Poem, was first introduced by Rilke in the Neue Gedichte written during his middle period between 1902-1908, mostly in Paris, inspired by impressionist paintings, and was closely tied to the imagist movement of the time. The term, while sounding imposing, simply means thing poem.


The Dinggedicht does not have a set structure of meter or rhyme, but rather is distinguished by its content and content focus. However, the voice in the Dinggedicht is frequently third person.

The Dinggedicht is typified by a singular focus on an object, and a dispassionate, objective tone. The aim is that through the intense study of this object, or pictorially perceived constellation of things or objects, one will gain insight into the essential, though often ineffable, nature of things.


p.376, The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics: Fourth Edition

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