
Note: In an effort to get as many forms in here as we can before April, we’re going to get a streamlined entry going here. Check back in later for more elaborate posts, including history etc.

The Rhupunt (pronounced hree’-pint) is a Welsh poetry form, of the Awdl class of stanzaic forms


  • each stanza may have three, four, or five lines
  • each line has four syllables
  • within each stanza, all lines, with the exception of the last, share a single end rhyme
  • all of the last lines share a secondary end rhyme-the last line carries the rhyme from stanza to stanza
  • there’s a variation known as the long rhupunt, each stanza is written as a single line, and the lines are paired in couplets
  • an example of the long Rhupunt would be
    • xxxaxxxaxxxaxxxb
  • the long Rhupunt holds the structure in every other way as the Rhupunt, you just put the lines all together into one. All the, lets call them sublines, have the same syllable count, the rhyme scheme above, and secondary rhyme. Therefor in one couplet, there can be a long line that is longer than the other. Etc.
  • In Welsh poetry, the awdl meter conforms to the cynhanedd (click to see glossary term): rules of harmony governing consonance or alliteration. Translating Welsh meter rules into English is almost impossible, but trying to get as close as you can when writing a Welsh form is usually best practice.

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