
History: This one took some digging. The Argonelle is an invented was created many years ago by Sylvia Argow of the New York Poetry Forum in the 1970s. Structure: This was a hard poem to track down. The usual websites, who all cite each other and don’t give any other sources and admit to not...
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August 27, 2019
History: The AsefruHistory: The Asefru, plural being Isefra (as in "I wrote an Asefru, but my friend Bill showed me up and wrote two Isefra"), is, according to common western understanding, a poetry form of the Berber people, or i-Mazigh-en(singular: a-Mazigh) of Kabylia, a Berberophone area of Algeria. However, this understanding is to be taken with a...
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History: According to the internet (these contemporary invented forms are really hard to find the story of), the Atarlis FileataHistory: According to the internet (these contemporary invented forms are really hard to find the story of), the Atarlis Fileata is a contemporary invented form, invented by Cathy Bollhoefer. Atarlis Fileata is Gaelic for "repeating poetic"...
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April 25, 2019
History: The AtrinaHistory: The Atrina is a stanzaic form contemporarily invented by Keith Metcalf Drew at AllPoetry. Structure: • Consists of 4 stanzas • The first three stanzas are 4 lines each (quatrains) • Each line is 8 syllables (octosyllabic) • The first line of a stanzas repeats in the last line of the same...
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August 28, 2019
History: The AubadeHistory: The Aubade, which as a word means "dawn serenade", first dates back to the 12th century and came to be known to English speakers in the 1670s. It is theorized by some scholars that it grew out of the cry of the medieval watchman announcing the change from night to day from...
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February 26, 2020
An awdlAn awdl was originally a poem of indeterminate length with a single end rhyme throughout, in a single meter. In the 12th century, The Poets of the Princes treated this iteration of the awdl as a poem in its own right, but by that time it was becoming more common for it to consist...
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Awdl Gywwwyd

September 11, 2019
History: One of four types of Cywydd, a Welsh metrical form originating in the 14th century, and one of three predominant Welsh metrical forms, the other two being the AwdlAn awdl was originally a poem of indeterminate length with a single end rhyme throughout, in a single meter. In the 12th century, The Poets of...
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History: The BaccresiezéHistory: The Baccresiezé is a syllabic form attributed to E. Ernest Murell as, according to its history, an exercise in repetition. Not much else besides than has been found about it or Murell. If anyone has any more information, especially on the especially interesting name, let us know. Structure: • Twelve lines total...
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History: The Balassi StanzaHistory: The Balassi Stanza is a poetry lyric form introduced by Balint Balassi, (1551-1594), also recorded as Baron Valentin Balassi, and Balint Balassa, considered the most renown lyric poet in Hungarian literature. Structure: • Nine lines • Lines 3, 6 and 9 share end-rhymes • Remaining lines share an end rhyme •...
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September 21, 2019
History: BikuHistory: Biku is a poetry form, called by Hadas a "poetic mechanism", similar to a haiku, created by Eran Hadas in 2014 inspired by and in honor of Tanya Reinhart's (linguist, activist and "one of Noam Chomsky’s favorite PHD students") explanation that "each media item could (and should) be have a threefold reaction. We...
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