Empat Perkataan

History: The Empat PerkataanHistory: The Empat Perkataan is a traditional Southeast Asian form originating from the Malaccan empire around the 15th century. It was popular in the Riau Archipelago and Malay Peninsula, and is associated with languages such as Malay, Tagalog, Sundanese and Javanese, although examples can be found in English as well. The word Empat is...
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December 9, 2021
The GogyohkaThe Gogyohka is a modern Japanese form developed by Enta Kusakabe in 1957. Based on the Tanka and Kodai kayo, Gogyohka literally translates into 5-line poem.  The rules of the Gogyohka are seemingly very simple. The stanza is 5 lines, and each line is its own phrase. What is considered a phrase, however, is...
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March 12, 2022
History: Created by award-winning poet Pravat Kumar Padhy in 2022 by fusing a haikuHistory: Previously called Hokku, Haiku was given it's name by Masoka Shiki around 1900. Hokku, meaning starting verse, is the opening stanza of a Japanese orthodox collaborative linked poem, renga, or of its later derivative, renku (haikai no renga), and its establishment as...
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March 16, 2022
History: The KatautaHistory: The Katauta is a lesser known Japanese form of poetry, traditionally called Waka and, as a term, means poetry fragment. The form specifically is written as half of an exchange with a lover and when paired with another Katauta, is called a Sedoka. So, a Katauta is half a Sedoka. The other...
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