History: An alexandroidHistory: An alexandroid takes its name from the alexandrine that it is composed of. An Alexandrine is a name used for several verse line types, most of which consist of two hemistichs (half-lines) of six syllables each, separated by a caesura (a word break, though it's a bit more than that...more on that later)....Read More
History: The AmphionHistory: The Amphion is another poetry form attributed to Viola Berg and her 1977 book Pathways for the Poet which we have yet to read and find. Structure: • a poem of 10 lines. • Lines 1, 4, 7, and 10 are tetrameter (4 beats), and they alternate with couplets in dimeter (2...Read More
Historia La décima es básicamente una composición poética de diez versos octosílabos. En forma de canción, la décima trovada, consiste de cuarenta y cuatro versos que incluyen una primera estrofa de cuatro versos y cuatro subsiguientes estrofas de diez versos que glosan la primera estrofa, terminando cada una de estas cuatro estrofas en un verso...Read More
History The French RondelHistory The French Rondel is a mideaval French verse form related to the triolet and rondeau, invented in the 14th century and popularized by Charles d’Orleans. Sort of. Like the terms roundel and rondeau, the term rondel in the Middle Ages did not apply to one fixed form but to a “round” song...Read More
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