Amanda’s PinchHistory: Amanda's Pinch is a form created by Amanda Norton on AllPoetry.com, and we're still trying to find the original source page for this. Structure: • stanza of 8 lines • syllable count 12/12/10/8/8/10/12/12 • Rhyme Scheme abcDDcba • Line 5 repeats line 4 • Alliteration is required in every line • poem should be centered on the page: this... More is a form created by Amanda Norton on AllPoetry.com, and we’re still trying to find the original source page for this.
- stanza of 8 lines
- syllable count 12/12/10/8/8/10/12/12
- Rhyme Scheme abcDDcba
- Line 5 repeats line 4
- Alliteration is required in every line
- poem should be centered on the page: this is because the visual impression of pinch and release/expand is vital